Blog: Privacy

Privacy and confidentiality are harder to have with new media, especially with social media. I think new media has provided people of today's generation with less of an importance on privacy. People post their lives on it for their friends and family to see. If they have facebook accounts that are public, then everyone can see it. It's not even just events like weddings or parties, but people even post what their daily meals are and just very common everyday things. It makes you wonder if people in the past really cared that much about privacy for things like these or is it just that they didn't have an outlet for it? Either way, new media places a less importance of privacy and more on collaboration and community.


  1. I really think you are right about how people nowadays care less about the privacy but at the same time social media sites are stressing out on the privacy issues which are happening recently. More and more updates are coming to restrict your privacy by adding different features in.


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